A student pursuing the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program is required to submit an extended essay, and if you are planning to or are already pursuing this program, you might need IB extended essay help. IB extended essays take much time to complete, mostly because the writing process consists of several stages.
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The very fact that IB extended essay writing has a direct influence on the outcome of your diploma program complicates the writing process, making it more stressful. In most universities, the grade for IB extended essay constitutes one-third of the final diploma grade. With stakes so high, you simply cannot leave it all up to chance.
Thankfully, there is a way out – you can delegate your IB extended essay writing assignment to an expert in academic writing. To do this, you will have to find a trustworthy service and ask for IB extended essay writing help. We are thrilled to present to you Top-Papers.com, the number-one provider of professional IB extended essay help. If you want to see excellent content in your essay, this is the right choice for you. Relying on the support of professional writers, you will not have to worry about the grades and your performance, so you will have more time and energy to focus on other assignments. We know you want your IB essay to be perfect and we are here to make this happen.
Thousands of students globally require extended essay help and they greatly benefit from the professional guidance of our experts. There is no need to handle the relentless pressure on your own because our skilled writers know how to alleviate it in no time. Besides, placing an order and requesting assistance takes only a couple of minutes. Do it now and submit your perfectly written assignment on time.
If you need assistance with choosing an IB extended essay topic, organizing your ideas on paper, editing, or proofreading, we know where to find it! All you have to do is contact us, say ‘I need help with my IB extended essay’, and we will put you in touch with an expert competent in your research area. They will start working on your assignment immediately; meanwhile, you can handle other affairs. Our services are fully confidential, so no one will ever find out about our cooperation.
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We guarantee there is no better place to purchase a custom IB extended essay. Our employees are a real dream team because they are competent, dedicated, and professional. Our talented writers have immense experience and they can cope with a paper on any topic within any timeframe. From business administration and social disciplines to nursing and engineering, they can handle a paper of any complexity. Moreover, there are certified editors in our team, and for you, this means flawlessly written papers with excellent grammar. Your professor will be impressed! We offer top papers written by top experts.
You can hire IB extended essay writers and receive expert assistance online. Professional guidance is just a click away. We know how challenging it might be to organize your academic routine but with professional assistance, you can achieve professional and personal goals without spreading yourself too thin. Our mission is to help students become successful, and that is why we are here to lend you a helping hand 24/7.
IB extended essay structure has six mandatory components:
Free Features
Title Page
Bibliography List
Table of Contents
(on demand)
Additionally, an extended essay for IB might require methodology or other optional sections. If there is supplementary material, it is recommended to include it in the Appendices. Note that since 2018 IB EE an abstract is not obligatory unless your instructor recommends otherwise.
If you decide to refrain from seeking professional assistance and choose to write the essay on your own, you will find these IB extended essay guidelines helpful.
Even if your professor provides a list of IB extended essay topics, you still can choose something you find intriguing. Being interested in the topic you write about is crucial to the quality of your paper because you can maintain your readers’ attention only if you are passionate about your research. However, choosing a promising topic takes a little effort, namely, preliminary research. If your instructor granted you the freedom of choosing any topic, there is no right or wrong choice. Just listen to your inner voice and try to understand what it is that you like. You should also realize that the writing process might take several weeks or even months, so when you are considering the topic, ask yourself ‘Am I ready to dedicate so much of my time to it?’ Sometimes students cannot choose a topic for their IB diploma extended essay, in which case it might help to break the problem down into pieces. First, select the field of your interest. Then, identify the gaps in this field – these are potentially the areas you might want to research. After that, spend some time brainstorming. Finally, when you have a list of ideas but still cannot make the final choice, you may turn to your research advisor. Alternatively, you can hire one of our top extended essay writers and they will help you formulate the best topic.
The best essays are the ones written about something specific. At the same time, it is not easy to talk about a phenomenon for 13 pages, therefore, you should try to choose a sufficiently broad yet specific topic. If you are stuck, you can always draw some inspiration from other papers. For example, you can find a pre-written essay in a reliable database and use it as a starting point. Once you make the final choice, it is advisable to spend additional 30 minutes on research to understand whether there is enough information.
A good supervisor will not criticize you but will rather try to help you understand and fix your mistakes. If you have questions like ‘How many sources do I need for my IB extended essay?’ or ‘How can I improve my IB extended essay outline?’, a good supervisor will be glad to answer them. So if you face some problem or feel stuck in the middle of the writing process, do not despair.
Unfortunately, some supervisors are not very responsive and it might take forever to receive their guidelines. If this is your case, remember that you can get professional advice and expert assistance on our website.
Content is not the only thing you have to take care of when working on your paper – the structure is just as important. Your IB essay must have an engaging introduction, a full-fledged body divided into several subsections, and a strong conclusion. Apart from that, you have to take care of formatting. Styles such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc., offer detailed formatting guidelines, so be sure to use them.
Although it might seem like you have a lot of time until the submission deadline, you should start working on your paper ASAP. It is impossible to write an A+ paper in one sitting. You will have to do extensive research, create an outline and several drafts, proofread and edit the paper, etc. Besides, with complex papers, it is easy to fall into the procrastination trap. Effective time management and proper planning play a decisive role in the success of your project.
Top-Papers.com is the most reliable IB extended essay writing service provider. Thousands of students globally entrust their seminal papers to our experts because they are confident they will receive the complete IB extended essay on time. If you do not know how to write an extended essay IB, visit our website and receive practical guidelines developed by our experts. Writing IB extended essay with our writers’ assistance is easy because:
Do not hesitate to make an IB extended essay order on our website. We realize the importance of submitting original papers, so we guarantee the absolute authenticity of an IB extended essay online you got on our website. We will provide you with an extended essay IB written according to your guidelines and within the deadline you set. If you want your paper to meet the highest writing standards, do not waste another minute and place your order now!