Question 1. Can the way you negotiate really make a difference if the other side is more powerful? How do you enhance your negotiating power? What do I need to do develop a good Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement or BATNA? A good bottom line? Explain the BATNA concept.
Answer 1:
Every kind of negotiation process make a difference for both parties and the vital thing is to understand the core value each person is trying to bring into attention of other members of the negotiation process. At the same time, the power is the hidden strength that takes part in the negotiation process by means of intimidation of the opponent.
However, such power will not work in case there are descent arguments against the matter of negotiations. Therefore, in case the less powerful side has the true value that will benefit both or only the most powerful side, such conception automatically deserves respect and proper attention to the details of negotiations.
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Besides, the power of negotiations can be improved by means of simple but more powerful offer that would be valuable and beneficial for all members of negotiations. Consequently, the negotiating power could be enhanced by means of daily actions that generate habits of powerful communication (Fisher, Ury, & Patton, 1991).
By such means, every individual becomes more influential towards the more powerful party. Consequently, when the negotiation reaches its balance in the value of both parties, while the means of communication make the most input towards the success of the partnership.
Therefore, there is an understanding of the BATNA, which means Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. In other words, BATNA addresses the alternative way of negotiating with people by means of searching for the most favorable solution for both parties. Such kind of negotiating solution is important mainly in the aspects when standard negotiating process does not project any positive outcomes out of the negotiation process (Norem, 2001).
In all, the BATNA approach is aimed at predicting the successful completion of negotiations without any hint on the negative outcomes. Thereof, it is important to address the details of taking care of the values that negotiations bring to both parties. In addition, such approach has a better resolution in case there is an incentive for the continuation of the partnership, for example, the concern of making money together.
At times, there are cases when BATNA approach reveals the true nature of successful negotiations among people of different power, but it helps to find ways as well as instruments that will help both parties to interact successfully with one another while working on the mutual project. This is one of the most powerful alternatives to the situations when the regular procedure of negotiations does not work.
Thus, the overall idea of the successful negotiation practice lies in the fact of generating more values in terms of leverage, efforts, mutual input, safety, interest, values, and benefits that help combine power sources of each party into one particular project with the mutual target along with the negotiating decisions towards the best possible cooperation (Ury, 2000).
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2. Give a brief synopsis of the Harvard Business Review article “Turning Negotiation into a Corporate Capability”. What is your overall opinion of this article? Will this case study help you to identify negotiation and conflict resolution mistakes and strategies? Why or why not? What negotiation strategy would you have employed to help resolve the conflict? Explain.
Answer 2:
The synopsis of the Harvard Business Review article “Turning Negotiation into a Corporate Capability” addresses the concerns of the negotiating process towards the true means of the corporate values. Therefore, the true value of negotiations is to consider the approach to communication as a means of the most powerful tool to advance the relationships with the partner companies and generate stronger purpose of achievements for the corporate power of both parties (Fisher, Ury, & Patton, 1991).
For example, companies tend to use negotiations differently every time they get into a new business deal or opportunity to make profit. In other words, whenever companies think of negotiation processes, they tend to consider the fact of communication on the corporate level by means of reaching the mutual agreement that will help both parties get the most value out of the business cooperation (Norem, 2001).
In all, the article is helpful in terms of understanding the core values people put into the process of negotiations on the corporate level. It is also important to address the overall process of negotiations towards the business perspectives as well as the improvement of the infrastructure used during the negotiation process (Ertel, 1999).
Thus, the article helps to approach the fact of negotiations from the position of making better business deals as well as the ability to solve problems on the corporate level more effectively compared to the past strategies. What is more, the article provides the reader with the valuable information that is important in order to create a better strategy of dealing with people on the corporate level while leaving the past mistakes behind (Ertel, 1999).
The best strategy for communication is negotiating through the means of alternative power which is hidden in the approach of BATNA towards the employed way of eliminating the conflict situations and transforming them into beneficial corporate deals. The purpose is to find the most challenging value for both parties that participate in negotiations and combine the forces of each other by means of reaching corporate goals through the combined business strategies (Ury, 2000).